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10 good reasons to make a virtual tour

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Still hesitating to go virtual for your business? Discover 10 good reasons to do a virtual tour

Like many other people, you may have heard anything and everything about the virtual, its usefulness and its uses. In this short article, discover 10 good reasons to invest in the photosphere which is directly visible on your Google Maps listing and which allows you to show online the interior of your store, establishment in virtual format. The user can look from all sides of the photo exactly like a Google street view.

Discover 5 good reasons to do a virtual tour

1 / I am modernizing my branding thanks in an innovative and virtual format. 2 / I complete my Google Maps file which was so far incomplete and gain some visibility points by line. Indeed, many companies forget to update and complete their Google listing to 100% and do not always know that it is necessary to contact a specialized photographer to create a photosphere of their establishment. 3 / I improve my online visibility and my SEO because Google classifies well-filled forms better. It is logical and simple but often forgotten by companies of all kinds who do not have a good grasp of digital. 4 / I offer a virtual experience to Internet users who are looking for me online. 5 / I reward my employees by allowing them to be visible in the virtual photo. For example, the salesperson of a store can be present in the photosphere and will give even more the impression of realism for the Internet user who will look at the photosphere online. It is therefore also an opportunity to verify the commitment of your employees. You don't normally need to bring in actors ... because you already have a staff.

bonnes raisons de faire du virtuel avec google

Discover 5 more reasons to do a virtual tour

6 / I animate my social networks in sharing my photosphere which is really cool and is causing a stir with my fans and followers.
7 / I am citizen actor and I allow people with reduced mobility (who cannot move) to explore my store in virtual format directly from home.
8 / I reassure my Internet users by showing in virtual format that my shop respects the rules for the protection of individuals in times of health crisis (such as covid, etc.). I take this opportunity to show the cleanliness and beauty of my shop to make Internet users want to come and visit me.
9 / I am making a digital investment super profitable because the virtual photo and / or the virtual tour that I upload to Google Maps stays online for life and there is no update fee.
10 / I show the world that I'm cool and up to date digitally and that my business is doing well because I invest in digital and experiential marketing. So I send a positive sign on my business to the world.

Listen to our podcast about 10 good reasons to do a virtual tour

Gérald Mardirossian

About the author of the article : Gérald Mardirossian Digital Expert

Gérald is a high-level digital expert and a digital enthusiast. Having attended elitist establishments during his studies such as Henri IV and the Sorbonne, he is one of the over-educated individuals of his generation. Holder of diplomas in HR (Human Resources), digital communication and communication / semiology, he also has multiple accreditations from the largest companies in the digital world : Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Hubspot, Salesforce, CPanel University, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information (ANSSI), etc. With many years of digital experience in different fields: associations, tourism, distributor, software publisher ... Gérald Mardirossian had the opportunity to work on both B2B and B2C issues. With many talents, he has already worked on web projects of various types, redesign, development, integration, modernization, website evolution, UX redesign, marketing automation, lead generation, outsourcing, emailing, etc. If you have a digital need or a project, you can contact us.

Few data about the author / Google Maps Photographer / Digital Expert

Gérald has been a member of the Google Local Guide community for many years as well as a certified member and expert on Google products, Google Maps, Google Street View, Google My Business, virtual tour, 360 ° photo, virtual photo event, wedding, real estate, etc.

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